
The Changeling (2021)

In association with The National Theatre, Melbourne


The Changeling (2021)

In association with The National Theatre, Melbourne

‘Your love has made me a cruel murderess’

Beatrice-Joanna has fallen in love with Alsemero and yearns to be free of her loveless engagement to Alonzo. In the pursuit of what she craves she turns to the service of a man she hates, Deflores. This sets her on a path to murder, coercion and a confrontation with her inner passions that will change her life forever.

Isabella has married the man of her dreams Alibius, a doctor who promised her the world. But when he locks her away in his hospital to police her sexuality she is lusted after patients, doctors and fools. Prompting her to question: how is love (or lust) different from madness?

Two women.
Two worlds.
A shared desire.

The Liminal Space Monogram


Indy Makka
Rosa Ablett-Johnstone
Oswald Breen-Carr
River Stevens
Jessica Pascoe
Luke Slade
Maggie Filor

Creative Team

Playwright – Thomas Middleton and Willian Rowley
Adaptation and Direction – Harry Haynes
Set and Costume Design – Juliette Whitney
Lighting Design – Nicholas Moloney
Sound Design – Anon
Choreography – Damian Smith
Text and Voice Support – Margret Mills
Assistant Director – Thomas Noak
Stage Management – Cassiel Garwood, D’Artagnan Holt
Production Manager – Linda Hum
Technical Manager – Gordon Boyd
Photography – Cameron Grant


Indy Makka
Rosa Ablett-Johnstone
Oswald Breen-Carr
River Stevens
Jessica Pascoe
Luke Slade
Maggie Filor

Creative Team

Playwright – Thomas Middleton and Willian Rowley
Adaptation and Direction – Harry Haynes
Set and Costume Design – Juliette Whitney
Lighting Design – Nicholas Moloney
Sound Design – Anon
Choreography – Damian Smith
Text and Voice Support – Margret Mills
Assistant Director – Thomas Noak
Stage Management – Cassiel Garwood, D’Artagnan Holt
Production Manager – Linda Hum
Technical Manager – Gordon Boyd
Photography – Cameron Grant

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